to Apr 8

State-Wide Georgia Independent Baptist Preacher's Fellowship

  • Corinth Baptist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Corinth Baptist Church, Loganville, GA, and their pastor, Tom Foskey, will host the State-Wide Georgia Independent Preacher’s Fellowship for 2025 on April 7th & 8th. Services begin at 3 p.m. on Monday, April 7th. Representatives of ten different preacher fellowships will be preaching, along with the keynote speakers: Pastor Ralph Sexton, Jr. on Monday night, at 7 p.m., and Pastor Kenny Baldwin on Tuesday night, at 7 p.m.

The schedule for Monday afternoon features Dr. Don Davis, retired professor and pastor, at 3 p.m. He represents the Georgia Baptist Bible Fellowship. The moderator is Don Prosser. The representative of the Chattahoochee Valley Independent Baptist Fellowship has yet to announced. The time-slot is 4 p.m. The moderator is Seth Hon.

An evening supper is provided for those pre-registered, followed by the evening service at 7 p.m. Dr. Gary Moore will be the first speaker, followed by Dr. Ralph Sexton, Jr.

Preaching begins on Tuesday, April 8th, at 9 a.m., with Kenneth Cloud, representing the North Florida & South Georgia Preacher’s Fellowship. Brett Ellinburg is the moderator. At 9:45 a.m., I am scheduled to represent the Independent Baptist Fellowship of Georgia, the oldest of these fellowship. David Cooper is the moderator.

At 10:45, the representative of the Southeast Georgia Baptist Fellowship will preach. Their moderator is Terry Sellars. At 11:15, Thomas Satterfield will be preaching, on behalf of the Georgia Independent Baptist Preacher’s Fellowship. The moderator is Doug Anderson. Lunch will be served at 12:30 for those registered.

At 2:00 p.m., preaching will resume with Danny Mundy, representing the Middle Georgia Preacher’s Fellowship. Daniel Walker is the moderator. At 2:45, Lamar Purcell will represent the Northeast Georgia Baptist Fellowship. Michael Soop is the moderator.

The closing service begins at 7 p.m., Tuesday night. Eddie Killian will preach, representing the Sri-State Independent Baptist Preacher’s Fellowship. Their moderator is Ricky Spence. The closing preacher will be Pastor Kenny Baldwin.

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to Apr 16

Revival in Southwest Georgia

  • Harmony Baptist Church (map)
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I have the privilege of preaching for Pastor Ronnie Waters, at Harmony Baptist Church, located in Blakely, GA. The meeting begins Sunday, April 13th, and runs through Wednesday evening, April 16th.

Sunday services are Sunday School at 10 a.m., followed by the morning worship service at 11 a.m.

Evening service on Sunday night will begin at 6 p.m. Evening services Monday through Wednesday will begin at 7 p.m.

Be in prayer for the meeting.

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to Apr 30

Mission Conference in Moncure, NC!

  • Truth Missionary Baptist Church (map)
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Truth Missionary Baptist Church, Moncure, NC, will be hosting its annual Faith Mission’s Conference. Services begin on Sunday morning, April 27th, and continue through Wednesday evening. The evening services, Monday through Wednesday, start at 7 p.m. On Sunday evening, the service begins at 6 p.m.

Pray, as we come before the Lord, seeking his guidance, during this meeting. The fields are white already to harvest. He that reapeth receiveth wages and gathereth fruit unto eternal life (John 4:35-36). Pray that he would send forth laborers into his harvest (Matthew 9:38). Truly, the harvest is his!

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10:00 AM10:00

Sunday services in Sumter, SC, at the Open Bible Baptist Church!!

The snow altered my schedule. I am at the Open Bible Baptist Church in Sumter, SC, on Sunday, January 19th. I look forward to being back with this dear church family. It has been several years. Sunday School starts at 10 am, Sunday morning worship at 11. The evening service begins at 6 pm.

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10:00 AM10:00

Sunday Services in Sumter, SC

I have the joy of preaching at the Open Bible Baptist Church, Sumter, SC, on January 12th. The Sunday morning service will be at 11 a.m. (Sunday School starts at 10 a.m.). The evening service begins at 6 p.m. Spending the day with these dear saints will be a treat, since it has been some time since I have been with them.

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10:00 AM10:00

Open Bible Baptist Church, Sumter, SC

My wife and I will spend the day at Open Bible Baptist Church in Sumter, SC. I will be preaching the morning and evening services. Dr. Danny Edwards is the pastor. Dr. Verdie Edwards, Danny’s father, pastored this church for almost 20 years, up to his passing several years ago. I look forward to being back at this again!

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to Jan 31

Merry Christmas!

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Why was Christ Manifested?

 Text:  And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord (Luke 2:10-11).

 Why Christ came…

1.)  To manifest the righteousness of God without the law, even the righteousness of Gods which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe (Romans 3:21-22).

2.)  To let us live through him (1 John 4:9).

3.)  To be the propitiation for our sins (1 John 4:10).

4.)  To take away our sins (1 John 3:5)

5.)  To destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8).

6.)  To grant us fellowship with the Father and with his Son (1 John 1:3).

7.)  To fulfill the promise God made before the world began: the hope of eternal life, as revealed by the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ (Titus 1:1-3).

8.)  To reveal the mystery kept secret since the world began, but is now made manifest by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith (Romans 16:25-26).

For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin;

That we might be made the righteousness of God in him!

(2 Corinthians 5:21)


Merry Christmas!


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10:00 AM10:00

Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Danielsville, GA

Pastor Douglas Duncan has invited me to preach at Mt. Zion Baptist Church, in Danielsville, GA, on Sunday, September 22nd. I have known Pastor Duncan for many years. We had the privilege of touring Israel together, along with some forty other folk. I look forward to spending the day with him and his church family.

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to Jul 24

Baptist Heritage Conference, Bible Baptist Church, Marietta, GA

  • Bible Baptist Church (map)
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Pastor David Cooper has asked me to preach their Homecoming on Sunday, July 21st, at Bible Baptist Church, Marietta, GA. He is also hosting a Baptist Heritage Conference that will run through Wednesday evening, July 24th. I look forward to the Homecoming services, as well as preaching several times during the conference days. You can contact the church for details.

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to Apr 24

Harmony Baptist Church, Blakely, GA

  • Harmony Baptist Church (map)
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Pastor Ronnie Waters has opened his pulpit for a Revival Meeting, Sunday, April 21st through Wednesday, April 24th. I look forward to being with Brother Waters once again. He and his dear wife are precious saints of God. Pray that I can be a help and a blessing to his congregation during these days.

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7:00 PM19:00

Chapel Service at Tabernacle Baptist College

Brother Johnny Wallace has invited me to speak to the student body in Chapel on Friday night, March 29th. Held every class night from 7:00 to 7:30 pm, the Chapel has always been a highlight of the evening. Classes begin at 6 p.m., and run 45 minutes per session. The last class closes at 9 pm., Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday nights. You can take individual classes or enter the full-time program. For more information, contact the College office through the church’s switchboard. The main number is 864-269-2760.

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to Mar 5

Tabernacle Baptist College hosts their Alumni Days, March 4th & 5th

  • Tabernacle Baptist College (map)
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Tabernacle Baptist College is a ministry of Tabernacle Baptist Church, Greenville, SC. The Alumni meeting will begin in the Chapel on Monday, March 4th, at 2 p.m. Preachers will be called from among the alumni attending. The college has asked each alumnus to limit his preaching to 15 minutes, to allow for more speakers. Monday’s session will run to around 5 p.m. There is an evening service in the church auditorium, beginning at 7 p.m.

Tuesday is the main day, with sessions starting at 9 am in the chapel. They will break for lunch between noon and 2 pm. From 2 to 5, there will be a special Ladies Meeting. Preaching will resume in the chapel at 2 pm. An Alumni Business Meeting will be conducted around 4:30 pm. The college hosts an Alumni Banquet at 5 pm. The evening service begins at 7 pm.

On Wednesday morning, March 6th, at 9 am, all who wish to attend are invited to a dutch-breakfast (pay for your own) as a great time to say “good-bye” for a while. You can learn which restaurant by contacting the church or college offices.

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10:00 AM10:00

Truth Missionary Baptist Church, Moncure, NC

  • Truth Missionary Baptist Church (map)
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Pastor Ronald Humphries, Sr., has graciously opened a door for me to preach on February 18th, at Truth Missionary Baptist Church. It will be great, being back up there with him. I look forward to seeing his family again and the wonderful folk who make up his congregation. He has asked me to teach in the Sunday School, as well as bringing the two messages of the day.

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10:00 AM10:00

Faith Baptist Church, Laurens, SC, hosts the SC Independent Baptist Fellowship

Pastor Bill Cole has asked me to put the South Carolina Independent Baptist Fellowship on my calendar. I look forward to attending. Preachers will be called from the floor. Faith Baptist Church is always a gracious host. They will serve lunch after the meeting. Come expecting God to stir your heart through the preaching, singing and personal testimonies.

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10:00 AM10:00

Bible Baptist Tabernacle, Monroe, NC

Pastor Bobby Leonard had me scheduled for December 3, 2023; however, I was physically unable to preach on that Sunday due to a cold and the affect it had on my voice. He graciously reset the date for January 7th of this New Year. I love being on the grounds of Bible Baptist Tabernacle. God has blessed so many times, in wonderful ways. I look forward to being back on the grounds, to introducing my new wife, Vickie, to this dear Pastor and his congregation, and to preaching in this precious place.

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to Dec 15

Mission Conference at Blessed Hope Baptist Church

  • Blessed Hope Baptist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Pastor Steve Lindsey has invited me to return for the December 2023 Mission Conference, held annually, at Blessed Hope Baptist Church, Alvarado, TX. The services this December of 2022 were a blessing to me. I appreciate the open door to preach each evening, as well as on opening Sunday morning. The many missionaries were a challenge and a blessing. Their lives challenged me to do more for our Lord and Saviour; and, their testimonies and messages thriledl the heart. I look forward to the coming Mission Conference, 2023.

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10:00 AM10:00

A Special Sunday

December 3rd will be a special Sunday for me. It is always a privilege to visit Bible Baptist Tabernacle in Monroe, NC. Pastor Bobby Leonard is a gracious friend. I have many wonderful memories of services there.

Vickie and I will be with Brother Bobby all day, teaching Sunday School and preaching in the church services.

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to Jul 19

Update on Heart By-Pass

  • Google Calendar ICS

On April 21st of this year, I was preparing to travel to Blakely, GA, to start a four-day meeting on Sunday, April 23rd. That evening (the 21st), while moving a few things from the car to the house, I became nauseated. I found myself leaning against the garage, spitting up what fluid came to my mouth into a flower container near the entrance. After five minutes or so, it subsided, and I carried a few more things into the house.

When I neared the kitchen on my way back to the garage, it was as if an audible voice told me to sit down. I grabbed the closest chair and sat down at the table. My wife told me later that I was gasping for breathe. She took my blood pressure (180/100), gave me an aspirin and called our youngest son, a physician at a local hospital who was, fortunately, home at the time.

He came over immediately. After using an Apple watch to check my heart beat, he convinced me that I needed a full EKG before leaving town that next morning. I agreed. Vickie and I went to the emergency room at Hillcrest about 7 p.m. that evening.

Their initial blood work showed that my heart was under stress. They knew due to the presence of cardiac enzymes. We had to wait three more hours and have the test run again to know if the enzymes were increasing or decreasing. Their increase meant I was in the process of a heart attack.

By 4 a.m., I had been transferred to Prisma and in a room. That same morning, I underwent a cardiac catheterization. It was then that they discovered my four blockages. The doctor performing the procedure later told me he had to back out, knowing I needed by-pass surgery. He did say that, if I chose, he could try to place a shunt in the worst of the blockages, but that it would most likely not hold. I opted for the by-pass.

They kept me in the hospital, stabilized, until they could perform the surgery. The operation was Tuesday morning, April 25th. One week in ICU, one week in rehabilitation and then home. Tuesday, June 20th, marks the 8th week completed since the surgery. I am feeling stronger every day.

Doctors tell me it takes 12 weeks for the sternum to mend completely, on average. That does not mean I will be at full strength by then, but God knows. Anything is possible, with the Lord!

Thank you for your prayers I cannot express proper gratitude to so many who were there when I needed them. The doctors, nurses and staff were all amazing. If the Lord had not brought Vickie into my life, I would have slept that feeling off that Friday night and headed to south Georgia, where, no doubt, I would have suffered a major heart attack.

The Lord does work in mysterious ways. Through Vickie and our marriage, her youngest son becomes my youngest son; and God used him to set all else in motion by persisting on a full EKG..

God has extended my days, and I give him the praise!

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