The Lord has opened His first door after this 2020 Coronavirus Stand-down. I thank the Lord that our states and our nation are beginning to open as Americans everywhere are needing to pick up their lives once again, my God’s grace. I trust that you will find your job still available; and, if that is not currently so, that our Lord will lead you to a better means of support for your family.
The Carpenter’s Chapel is located at 3303 Fork Shoals Road, in Simpsonville, SC. Pastor James Julian has graciously asked that I preach for him on the first Sunday in June. Please be in prayer for these services, that the Lord’s people will come and rejoice in the salvation that Jesus Christ has provided all who call upon His name. The morning service begins at 10:30.
One side note: My prayer is that those who have no peace in their heart, having been made to understand their condition by the events of these past many weeks, that they will come to our churches and hear the Prince of Peace and receive that great peace which only He can impart.
Will you join me in this? And, will you invite your neighbors to come to God’s House with you?