When the Apostle Paul writes his second epistle to the church of Thessalonica, he reveals an amazing view of God's coming judgment: it is a righteous thing! Paul declares that he is bound to give thanks to God always for this great church for two primary reasons: their faith was growing exceedingly and the charity of every one of them abounded toward each other. And while the Apostle is thanking the Lord for this church, he understands that "it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you" (2 Thessalonians 1:6).
Paul not only gives God thanks on their behalf, he also glories among the other churches for the patience and faith these Thessalonians showed in all their persecutions and tribulations, noting that they suffered for the kingdom of God. In fact, the Apostle declares that such suffering is a "manifest token of the of the righteous judgment of God" (2 Thessalonians 1:5). Such suffering is an evidence of being counted "worthy of the kingdom of God." Job was counted worthy to suffer for Christ, as was the Apostle Paul himself. So, too, were the saints of Thessalonica. As Peter writes, "Happy are ye" when ye suffer for righteousness' sake (1 Peter 3:14).
So, to you who are troubled, rest with us. It is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, in flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. They shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power, when he shall come to be glorified in his saints and to be admired in all them that believe in that day!